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Kamloops City Council Supports the Kamloops Centre for the Arts – Nov. 5, 2019

For Immediate Release
November 5, 2019

KAMLOOPS, B.C. – Following on the Kamloops Centre for the Arts Society presentation of a business case to Kamloops City Council on October 22, 2019 and a report presented to Council by City staff today, Kamloops City Council have come out in favour of the proposed Centre. Mayor and Council also confirmed that this is the right project, right now, and they will advocate for it along with the Society.

Mayor Ken Christian and all seven Councillors supported the motion to develop the Kamloops Centre for the Arts in partnership with the Kamloops Centre for the Arts Society and have directed staff to initiate a referendum in order to receive electors’ responses regarding funding up to $45 million for the Kamloops Centre for the Arts. The total cost of the Centre is estimated at $70 million. Councillor Denis Walsh removed himself for reasons of conflict of interest.

“We are delighted,” says Norm Daley, Chair of the KCA Board of Directors. “This is a momentous day for Kamloops and we are happy to see the full support of Kamloops City Council for this community project. We look forward to working with the City and to engaging residents in the conversation around the importance of this Centre for the future of Kamloops.”

With this project now sanctioned by the City, the Kamloops Centre for the Arts Society will be moving ahead to further engage the community around the benefits and impacts of this Centre.

To request additional information or for Media Interviews please contact:

Julie Dormer
Administrative Assistant
Kamloops Centre for the Arts Society

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